modest formal dresses for juniors
When I picture our wedding day I just picture you and I on top of the mountains facing the ocean while the wind blowing on my hair and my white dress. No music, no sounds of human but the oceans waves hiting the rocks while the wind are waving through the trees leaves. Blue clear sky, no clouds knowing that God can see us exchanging vows through the clear sky to cheer us on. Just like in the beginning when God created Eve for Adam, that moment where Adam saw Eve for the first time so you will see me for the first time in white dress as your bride. To love me as Christ loves the church and so will I to love you as the head of our house hold. To give you the ring in promising my love for you and only you not till death do us a part but as eternity holds us close. And if we grow old and our children grow and we die, I will hold on to the promise when Christ comes I will hold you again as we descend to heaven to be with our King Jesus. I think modest formal dresses for juniors
Wyall Fudlosid
as much as I am excited to take your last name I am more excited for the day When I will say I do take you Wyall Fudlosid my loved wedded husband to love and to cherish, in skinless and in health, in richer or poor, in happiness or sadness, I am forever yours my love.