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Calling all expecting mamas.
Are you fearful of what your lady bits will be going through during labor?
- Do you want to learn strategies to help reduce that fear?
Are you worried that you may start leaking urine during pregnancy or after delivery?
- Do you want to learn how to start managing those symptoms now?
Did you know your lady bits are made of a ton of muscles that are part of your core?
- Do you want to learn how to keep them strong through pregnancy and start to heal them after childbirth?
My next prenatal class is coming up Jan 27, 2018!
This is not your typical prenatal class. We get up and get moving. You will learn strategies to get your pelvis and lady bits ready for birthing. 2018 latest wedding wears dressed in beach
Join me, Dr. Ashley Hocutt, in January at Poughkeepsie Waddle n Swaddle.
Here is the link.